Friday, November 27, 2015

Real writer

I have often been urged by my friends on Facebook to be a real writer.  I often post my ideas and stories on Facebook and it's because I enjoy my memories.  I do have a lot of real memories, as a 78 year old man, I have made some bad decisions, and some good one.

I suppose that this book will be made up of many different events which have, and are happening in my own life.

I'm aware that each one of us is different; not only in age, gender, values, and wanting to achieve something out of our own lives.

We all are different.  Not one of us is just exactly like anyone else who has ever lived, or will ever live.

We each have a brain.  Our brains are wired in an evolutionary way; each experience we have from the day we were  born right up to the present, our brains continue to think, plan, look into our own selves, and can actually think about why we are the way we are.

I think most human beings are concerned about whether or not there will be an after-life; we know that someday we all must die.  That is a hard, cold fact....someday you will die.  So it's this idea of our own death which often evades our minds and if we could only know for sure, that there is live after death, then we would wonder what will happen to us when we die.

Recently I read a statistic; that 350,000 new infants are born every day around the world.  That means that just about that same number, human beings will die at that same rate.

I like swinging screen doors.  There is a small spring attached to the front piece of wood and it is attached to the inside of the door.  Usually the bottom half of the wooden door scraps as it is opened or swinging shut.  Some people know this and will hold on to the swinging door until the door is shut; others don't care and just let it slam shut!

Some writers are able to take words and use them is such a way that readers just can hardly wait to read the next page.  They can write down sentences that capture the imagination of the reader; and the reader puts themselves into one of the book's character and lives through that certain character.

Many old hymns that have stood the test of centuries, like 'Amazing Grace' or 'Holy, holy, holy,' and in churches around the world singing in different languages, voices are lifted up in faith believing that the God in heaven hears their song.

Other artist do capture true inspiration as they write songs, paint portraits, or shape clay into the shape of someone like King David.  Throughout the centuries some have etched their artistry in many different forms, bringing to life the imaginations of those who view them.

Some are orators, mighty speakers who can hold an audience spell-bound, yearning to hear every word.  These orators have convinced nations to follow their lead, and many of them were lead down the wrong road.

Give our young people room to think for themselves, to express themselves in ways unheard of before.  Let them loss to begin a new beginning, where there is found new hope and a sense of a cause worth living for and even dying for that new dream.

Books have an enduring nature about them; the writer passes on out of this world, but leaves behind thoughts, dreams, and another chance to be more human, more Godly, just one of us who are passing through.

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