Wednesday, August 26, 2015

                                           I Corinthians Chapter 13

When the Apostle Paul is writing to the churches at Corinth, the two chapters, one before, and the one after this chapter; he has been giving his instructions as to spiritual gifts, and those who desire to use them.  He also is writing about those who follow certain charismatic men, in warns them that all of the have something to add to their edification.

Here in this chapter, Paul interrupts his discussion be writing about God's love agape love, which instructs them how God loves.  God's love does not envy, does not put others down, it always is patient, is not hurt when people disappoint Him; His love is not easily angered, nor does it think any evil.  His love always rejoices in the truth, in us and through us.  God's love always bears everything throw at it, always believes in best in people, and even endures when no one returns His love.  Most of it, God's love can not fail, it out lasts anyone's rebellion.

It is as though we now only see a little bit of His great love; as though we were trying to see it through dense fog.  No matter how we look, we will not understand it all, until we meet Him face to face.

Many people take these characteristics of God's love as requirements for them to be that way; but first, it must be experienced by us.  Then we are enough of His love to share with others.

It's like being a wonderful teacher, first that person must be a great learner.  After a person has taken in all that is required to be a great teacher, then that person is prepared to teach others.

The world we live in needs for than people with great faith, or large sums of money; most of all, our world needs people who will reach out and love them.

There are only three spiritual gifts that will remain forever; they are hope, faith and God's agape love.

Now we can open ourselves up and receive that love for ourselves.  It is God's love, freely given to all of us.

I know it is difficult for some of us to be receivers, we have learned that "It's more blessed to give than to receive" but how can we give anything that we don't first have?  No, first receive and then give out freely to those who will receive your love.

Brother John Romaine

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